As a general guide, your paper should be about 25–30 double-spaced pages, excluding references, tables, and figures. We understand how difficult it is to present complex ideas clearly and concisely, and we do take the contribution-to-length ratio into consideration. However, please keep in mind that reviewers (and readers) will quickly lose interest in long, rambling, or unnecessarily dense papers that are not accessible to the reader. Please format your paper using the AMR guidelines, which can be accessed through our website at: Submitting to AMR.
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- How do I know if my manuscript makes a theoretical contribution?
- Does AMR publish literature reviews or case studies?
- How does an AMR manuscript differ from a literature review?
- Does AMR publish papers using formal theory?
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- How do I know if my paper “fits” with AMR?
- What are the page limits for submissions? How do I format my submission correctly?
- What is the review process at AMR? Are submissions blind reviewed? When will I hear back about my submission?
- Do I need to include a cover letter with my submission? Can I request reviewers and/or an associate editor?
- Can I submit a paper to AMR that has been reviewed and rejected as a regular submission or by a Special Topic Forum?
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