On October 10, 2017, the AOM Board of Governors voted to condemn the September 24, 2017, White House proclamation banning travel and immigration into the United States by citizens of Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Chad, and North Korea, and curtailing travel to the United States by citizens of Iraq and Venezuela.
The AOM viewed these restrictions as a threat to science and scholarship and called for the immediate reversal of the policy. In a condemnation sent to President Donald J. Trump, the AOM asserted that the policy threatens scholarly exchange, academic freedom, and the dissemination of scientific findings and thus fundamentally limits fulfillment of AOM's mission.
In addition, the AOM joined more than 180 scientific and educational associations and universities in a separate statement to President Trump, saying that the latest policy discourages many of the best and brightest international scholars and students from studying, working, and attending academic and scientific conferences in the United States.
In a message to the press, the AOM called President Trump's September 24 proclamation "antithetical to scientific progress."
These actions by the Board of Governors are consistent with the recently adopted policy that allows the Academy of Management to take stands under exceptional circumstances that threaten the existence, purpose, or functioning of the AOM as an organization. The Board made its decision after deliberating on a proposal submitted by Anita McGahan, Immediate Past President, and supported by thirteen former AOM presidents.
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