Proposals are reviewed by two associate editors and the editors-in-chief. The peer-review process is a blind review; the reviewers (who are Annals associate editors) do NOT see the CVs of authors that are submitted with the proposal. Decisions about proposals are given in approximately 75 days after the proposal deadline.
Articles in this section
- What kinds of papers does ANNALS publish?
- What kinds of papers does ANNALS not publish? How are ANNALS papers different from AMR papers?
- What is the journal’s submission and publication schedule?
- What is the journal’s Open Access Policy?
- How do I subscribe to ANNALS?
- What is the journal’s impact factor?
- How do authors go about submitting work to ANNALS?
- What kinds of proposals are a good fit for ANNALS?
- What are the page limits for proposal submissions? How do I format my submission correctly?
- What is the review process at ANNALS? Are submissions blind reviewed? When will I hear back about my submission?
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