- When is the Submission deadline?
- Can I have an extension to submit?
- Can I add a person(s) to my submission?
- After the deadline has passed, can I edit my submission?
- I need to revise my manuscript.
- During the proofreading process, I noticed some changes that need to be made for my session. How can I make the changes?
- Do I have to be a member to submit a proposal?
- Where can I find more information about the theme for the Academy of Management’s Annual Meeting?
- Does my submission have to relate to the theme?
- What are the guidelines for submissions?
- Can I submit a paper previously presented at a conference?
- The system wasn’t allowing me to upload my proposal or finalize my submission.
- Does my paper submission need to be the full paper, or can it be an abstract?
- Can I submit to more than one Division or Interest Group?
- Will I be able to edit my submission?
- I could not add complete contact information for my co-author or other participants.
- I created an account for a coauthor/participant associated with my submission, but my submission says the information is not confirmed. Can I finalize my submission?
- Someone created an account on my behalf. Do I need to do anything else?
- I uploaded a revised file, but I still see the original version.
- How do I update my submission profile?
- Do I have to register for the AOM Annual Meeting, if my submission is accepted?
- When is the review period?
- How many submissions will I be asked to review?
- When will the conference Proceedings be available?
- Will my full paper or symposium submission be included in the Proceedings?
- When is the 2024 Annual Meeting?
- When will I find out if my submission has been accepted?