As a journal grounded on empirical exploration, AMD's mission is distinct from but complementary to the missions of other Academy of Management publications. AMD papers report novel findings or unusual empirical patterns in their particular contexts that are either not adequately explained by current theory or that may play a critical role in the development or testing of new theory. Accordingly, AMD papers use data to isolate the plausible nature of new or poorly understood phenomena, identify their plausible antecedents and/or consequences, and/or shed light on the conditions potentially governing these relations. Ideally, these empirically driven insights provide a framework to guide further theory generation and a basis upon which to ground testable hypotheses. Papers developing new concepts or theory on the basis of the empirical insights offered by an AMD paper might appear in Academy of Management Review, whereas papers testing theories deducted on the basis of the patterns uncovered by an AMD paper might be submitted to Academy of Management Journal. For more information on how AMD is unique, please see: Rockmann, K.W., Bunderson, J.S., Leana, C.R., Hibbert, P., Tihyani, L., Phan, P.H., & Thatcher, S.M.B. (2021). Publishing in the Academy of Management Journals. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(1): 1-9.
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